Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Open Your Learning Channels

To learn more quickly, use known facts about learning in general.

Of course, you will learn much quicker if you apply several well-known general rules for learning anything. These are as follows (keeping it simple):
Use Multiple Channels. These are viewing, listening, speaking and doing. Read the stories, look at the cards, read aloud, discuss the cards and the readings with friends or open spreads for yourself.
Maintain Your Interest. One of the tricks to maintain your interest is to define mini goals, for example, learning a single story. Or being able to open spreads still using the book you received with your deck, but now with your own understanding kicking in and completing the picture.
Repeat What You Have Just Learned. After you have read a story, repeat what you have just learned. Then do something else for 15 minutes to let your memory integrate the information, and then repeat once more – and tomorrow again.
 Use multiple channels, define mini-goals and repeat what you have just learned.

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