Just like the fives of the other suits in the tarot, the Five of Pentacles symbolizes adversity. It shows two individuals walking outside while it is snowing. Not only are they cold, they are also sick, poor, tired, and hungry. It looks as if they are lacking the basic necessities of life. A lot of people can relate to the two individuals in more ways than one.
One of the individuals in the card has crutches, while the other figure has a shawl covering her head. She is walking barefoot in the snow. There is a black wall in the background with a stained glass window featuring the five pentacles, suggesting a church of some kind.
More often than not, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen. However, do not fret, as it can change depending on where it is placed in the reading.

One of the individuals in the card has crutches, while the other figure has a shawl covering her head. She is walking barefoot in the snow. There is a black wall in the background with a stained glass window featuring the five pentacles, suggesting a church of some kind.
More often than not, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen. However, do not fret, as it can change depending on where it is placed in the reading.

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