Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card

In this card, there is a single mysterious hand that comes out of the clouds. In the hand is what looks like a gold coin with a pentagram engraved on its surface. This pentacle is associated with the element of earth, and seen as a sign of wealth and all things material and earthly. Below the hand is a garden which appears to be flourishing with flowers and other kinds of vegetation - giving off the aura of fertility, growth and prosperity. The mountain represents the ambition required to drive one's search for the pentacle. The flowing creek seem to indicate that emotions are flowing towards this ambition.

Ace of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Two of Pentacles card depicts a man who is dancing as he is juggling two large coins. The pentacles are surrounded by the infinity sign that denotes that the person can handle all the issues the come his way and he can manage his life with grace. In the background, you will notice that there are two ships that are riding the giant waves, and they reinforce the balancing act that the man has to face - he is in rough and choppy waters, but manages to stay afloat. The Two of Pentacles depicts the usual ups and downs that occur in one’s life. Despite all the chaos that surrounds him, the man lives a very carefree life as he dances, and handles all that comes to him with joy.

Two of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Three of Pentacles displays a young apprentice who works in a cathedral. In front of him, there are two others, a priest and a nobleman of some sort, that are holding plans of the cathedral on a piece of parchment. We can tell from the way the apprentice has raised his head that he is discussing his progress on building the cathedral. The two others are keenly listening to him in order to more clearly understand what is needed of them and how they can provide guidance. Despite the apprentice being less experienced, the two others listen to him because they know his ideas and his experience are fundamental in the successful completion of the whole building. The Three of Pentacles therefore represents the coming together of different kinds of knowledge in order to build something together. 

Three of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card depicts a man who is sitting on a stool, who is holding onto two pentacles in a very defensive and tight posture. It’s almost as if he is hoarding them out of fear of loss. One pentacle is balanced precariously on his head, while another one is tightly clutched between his own hands, and there are two of them which are securely placed underneath his feet. He is making sure that there is absolutely no one touching his coins. At the same time, he is also unable to move because he is holding the coins so tightly. In other words, he is restrained from acting because he is holding too tight to his possessions. To some, money does not always bring freedom.

Four of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card

Just like the fives of the other suits in the tarot, the Five of Pentacles symbolizes adversity. It shows two individuals walking outside while it is snowing. Not only are they cold, they are also sick, poor, tired, and hungry. It looks as if they are lacking the basic necessities of life. A lot of people can relate to the two individuals in more ways than one.

One of the individuals in the card has crutches, while the other figure has a shawl covering her head. She is walking barefoot in the snow. There is a black wall in the background with a stained glass window featuring the five pentacles, suggesting a church of some kind.

More often than not, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen. However, do not fret, as it can change depending on where it is placed in the reading.

Five of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card

In the image on the Six of Pentacles, there is a man who is dressed in purple robes. The color purple symbolizes is the status and wealth of this man. He has a scale that is balanced in one hand, which stands for equality and fairness. We are reminded of the Justice tarot card, which suggests karma, cause and effect, and that we receive what we give. His other hand is giving money to two beggars who are kneeling at his feet. The Six of Pentacles suggests that you are in a secure enough position to give to others without affecting your own stability.

Six of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Seven of Pentacles shows a young man who seems to be taking a break from his hard labor to admire the fruit and blossoms in his garden. He rests on his shovel as he is admiring the seven pentacles hanging from the lush green vegetation. The way that he is laying his head over hands seems to suggest a kind of fatigue - he has worked hard to make sure that this year's crop is a good one. Because he is focused on long term goals, he cannot touch his harvest right now, and only reserves one of the pentacles for himself, choosing to invest the others. With his efforts, he hopes to grow his crop for the long term.

Seven of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Eight of Pentacles card depicts a young man who is etching a pentacle shape into the eight golden coins. The card symbolizes someone who is completely focused and absorbed in what they are doing. The town that is far in the background means that he successfully isolated himself from the distractions so that he can fully concentrate on his task. The Eight of Pentacles refers to that moments in your life when you are dedicated to completing a certain task. You are fully-immersed, and you are committed in delivering the best version of your work.

Eight of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Nine of Pentacles depicts a woman in the middle of a vineyard. The woman wears what appears to be a long, luxurious dress adorned with sunflowers. She seems to be part of a wealthy house, for in the far background, we see a castle. A falcon is sitting peacefully and playfully on her left hand. The vines behind her are rich and filled with grapes and golden coins, signaling that she has been very successful in her ventures, which are yielding a great and plentiful harvest.

Nine of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card

In the Ten of Pentacles card, there is an old man seated in an archway leading into a great estate. It seems he is the head of the family, for he is surrounded by younger loved ones. He wears a robe that is decorated with moon crescents and grapevines - indicating the joining of spirit and matter. He has his family and dogs with him. There is a happy couple in front of him, presumably his children and a playful child behind this couple, his grandchild. The child playfully reaches out to pet the dog.

Ten of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Page of Pentacles card depicts a youth standing all by himself in a wide field surrounded by flowers. In the background, you will also notice several lush trees and a furrowed field. The young man seems to be walking in a slow manner and appears unaware of his surroundings, for his attention is completely captured by the coin he is holding, and all that it represents: ambition, security, wealth, nature, and sensuality. The Page of Pentacles symbolizes a person who is grounded, loyal and diligent.

Page of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card

Much like the other court cards of this suit, the Knight of Pentacles revolves around work, effort, and a general responsibility. The Knight of Pentacles sits on a dark horse in a field. Unlike the other knights, who are always off on one adventure or another, this knight decides to stay home, and instead, focus on tilling the fields. He prepares for the next harvest - it is on this land that he believes that he can do the most. In his hands, he has a single gold coin. He gazes into it, and in his eyes we see a careful consideration. Perhaps he is dreaming of what it could bring him. The other knights may think he's a little boring, but this knight is more concerned about the long term future of his kingdom. 

Knight of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Queen of Pentacles card depicts a beautiful woman sitting on a decorated throne holding a golden coin. Surrounding her are beautiful blossoming trees and green floral gardens. Her throne is decorated with various beasts of the earth, tying her closely with nature and abundance. At the bottom of the card, on the right-hand side, a rabbit is pouncing into the frame, which symbolizes her high energy and fertility. The Queen of Pentacles, therefore, depicts a certain level of success and prosperity. But the rabbit at the bottom cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we are chasing that success.

Queen of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

King of Pentacles Tarot Card

The King of Pentacles refers to a man of high ambition, materialistic satisfaction, and worldly success. The King of Pentacles is sitting on a throne that is adorned with vines and bull carvings, and the robe that he is wearing is embroidered with many images of grapevines. He looks sophisticated and regal. He is also surrounded by different types of plants, vines, and flowers which depicts this king’s attainment of materialistic success. He holds a scepter in his right hand and the coin with a pentacles engraved on it in his left hand. The castle can be seen behind him, which is a symbol of his determination and effort.

King of Pentacles Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Ace of Swords Tarot Card

The Ace of Swords shows a hand emerging from the clouds wielding a double-edged sword. This double edged sword carries a golden crown while being encircled by a wreath. The wreath has for a long time been associated with victory, success and great achievement.

The crown is used as the symbol for both royalty and the power to rule that comes with royalty.  

Behind the foreground, the sword stands floating over a varied setting - which holds both mountains and sea, which are used as symbols of the vast reach and distant lands that the swords can be used to conquer, as well as ambition. 

Ace of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Two of Swords Tarot Card

The Two of Swords symbolizes the confusion we face when we are forced to make difficult choices. In the Two of Swords card, there is a seated woman that is blindfolded while holding a sword in each of her hands. In the background, there is a sea surrounded by crags and rocks that serve as obstacles for vessels and ships, stalling progress and action. The woman in the card being blindfolded is a representation of a situation which prevents her from seeing both the problem and the solution with clarity.
The swords that she is holding in each of her hands show that there are two choices that lead in different directions and are mutually exclusive to one another. It may also depict a stalemate, which means that the problem should be addressed with a logical and rational thinking. The Moon positioned on the right side of the card signifies may signify the role of illusions and deception in the difficulty that the woman has in making a choice.
Two of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Four of Swords Tarot Card

There is a quiet stillness that is present in the Four of Swords, a sense of calm peace that is contrasted so deeply with the pain in the Three of Swords. Here, in a church, there is a carving of a knight that lies upon a tomb with three swords hanging above him while the fourth one lies beneath him. These three swords are a reminder of the suffering that he has endured in the earlier card. The position of the fourth sword seems to be a signal that the fight has ended. A child and a woman are depicted by the stained glass place behind the statue, giving the scene a sense of warmth and welcoming after the retreat. The knight has his hands positioned as if he is praying.

Four of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Three of Swords Tarot Card

One of the most iconic images in the tarot, the Three of Swords displays a floating heart that is pierced by three swords. Above it, there are heavy clouds. There is also a heavy downpour in the background. The symbolism is pretty opaque, and the emotional effect that it has is immediate. The heart is the seat of warmth, affection and spirit, and the three swords indicate the power to harm, cause pain, and create suffering to what it pierces. This is an image of grief, loss and literally heartbreak. The clouds and rain depict the surrounding grimness of the situation. All these symbols point to the Three of Swords showing a low point in one's life.

Three of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Five of Swords Tarot Card

The Five of Swords card depicts a young man who has a very convenient look of contempt on his face. He is looking at the enemies that he has managed to conquer. There are five swords that he possesses – which he has taken from the other combatants who are in the card. The two other figures are walking away from him in a slow manner with a sense of loss and sadness. Above them, the sky is tumultuous and cloudy, which indicates that not everything is well, despite the fact that the battle is already over.

Five of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Six of Swords Tarot Card

The image in the Six of Swords shows a woman and a child in a boat being rowed in the water to a land that is on the other side. We can gather from the images that the woman and the child are leaving something behind, as their backs are faced towards us. The woman's head is covered with a cloak - perhaps she is fleeing something, and must go without others knowing her true identity. We can assume that because of this, she is undergoing great loss or sadness. The symbolism within the Six of Swords is that of loss or change, as well as moving towards a future that looks more promising than the one that we left behind. The six swords alongside the boat symbolize the strong power of the rational mind, compared to intuition and the heart.

Six of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Seven of Swords Tarot Card

In the Seven of Swords card, there is a man that is seen running away sneakily from a camp of some sort, while carrying five swords in his hands. Behind him, two other swords are on standing on the ground. From this image, we can deduce that the Seven of Swords is about stealth, getting away with something, deception or betrayal. 

The expression on the man’s face shows quite a bit of confidence, and he seems to be sure of his success on this mission of stealing the swords. Unfortunately for him though, on the left there seems to be a group of soldiers who have discovered the theft and one soldier is actually raising a flag or a weapon as if to signal his pursuit.
Seven of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Eight of Swords Tarot Card

On the Eight of Swords is a woman who is tied up and blindfolded. There are eight swords placed strategically around her in a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. However, it seems as though whoever built the trap was a little lazy or hasty, leaving some open space where she could escape. But because of the blindfold preventing the woman from seeing, she has no way of finding her way out of this trap. The barren land around her might signify a lack of creativity of some sort, while the grey sky in the background can signify despair, since there she feels that there is no hope of her breaking free from the kind of situation that she is bound to. If only she could take the blindfold off, she would see that she could simply just walk out of this situation.
Eight of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Nine of Swords Tarot Card

The Nine of Swords depicts a woman that is sitting on her bed while she holds her head in her hands. It appears as though the woman has just awakened from a very bad nightmare. She seems to be upset, anxious and fearful. Nine swords are hanging on her wall, and a carving that depicts a person defeated by another can be found in her bed. The quilt has been decorated with various astrological symbols and roses. Here we see the same woman in that we saw earlier in the Eight of Swords - and perhaps, she was finally released, but haunted by the nightmares of the suffering she endured while she was left and deserted.
Swords of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Ten of Swords Tarot Card

Another one of the most striking and ominous cards in the deck, the Ten of Swords shows a man lying flat on the ground with his face facing the dirt. He is covered with a red cloth from the chest down to his legs. Ten long swords are stabbed into his back, he may not have seen this end coming. There is a terrible stillness in the air: the sky above him is black and cloudy indicating the fear and negativity associated with death. The waters in front of him are still, with no ripples - adding to the eerie stillness and finality of this card. Looking into the horizon, in the east, the sun is rising, and the weather seems very calm despite the darkness. The Ten of Swords seems to intimate that this is the lowest point in one's life, and it cannot get worse than this. At least, even in this state, the sun is rising.

Ten of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Page of Swords Tarot Card

The Page of Swords card is representative of a person in one's life who shows an abundance of energy. With wind-blown trees, turbulent clouds and the their tossed hair, a youth stands proudly on a rocky precipice. This energetic youth has a sword in her hands. Her expression is one of determination, and perhaps a little bit of defiance - she seems ready to pounce at the slightest word. 

Page of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Queen of Swords Tarot Card

The Queen of Swords wears a stern look as she sits high on the throne - looking off into the distance. A queen of the air element that the swords represents, her place in the clouds shows that no one can trick or fool her. The sword in her right hand is pointed towards the sky, whereas the left hand is extended like it is offering something. The Queen of Swords gives us the gift of judgment for everyday decisions and having the flexibility to take in knowledge from others.

Queen of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Knight of Swords Tarot Card

What a rush we see this Knight in! The Knight of Swords card depicts a young man who is dressed in his armor and rides a strong white horse into the midst of a battle. The white color of his horse is a reference to the overall purity and intellectual energy which motivates this young rider. The sky behind him holds stormy clouds as well as trees which are tossed wildly around by the strong winds. The horse’s harness is also decorated with images of birds and butterflies. The cape of the knight is also decorated with those same birds.

Knight of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Swords tarot card shows a king who sits on his throne while holding a double-edged sword that points upwards in his right hand. The King of Swords radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. He understands that power holds great responsibility.

The blue tunic that the king wears is a symbol of his spiritual understanding. The butterflies on the back of his throne are indicative of transformation.
King of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Ace of Cups Tarot Card

In the Ace of Cups card, there is a hand emanating from the clouds holding out a cup, as if in a offer to the querent to take a drink. This cup is overflowing with sparkling water which symbolizes pure and pristine emotion. If you take this offer, drinking from this cup will surely bring you nothing short of emotional as well as spiritual fulfillment. 

The cup has five streams of water overflowing from the brim. These five streams represent the power of intuition and show the importance of listening to your inner voice. In order to obtain the kind of emotional or spiritual fulfillment that is depicted in the Ace of Cups, the querent will need to follow this inner voice, and remain true to it, regardless of the situation. This will require emotional discipline, but the rewards that this can bring are hinted at within the card itself: overflowing joy and happiness.

Ace of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Two of Cups Tarot Card

This card shows an image of a man and a woman that are exchanging their cups in a ceremony. There is the symbol of Hermes’ caduceus in between which is often related to negotiation, trade, cosmic energy, protection, proper conduct, and duality. The Two of Cups refers to something quite positive, for it is one of the most auspicious cards in the tarot for relationships, whether romantic, business or otherwise. It suggests a new partnership is in the works, and it will be created with balance, respect, and honor. Above the caduceus is a chimera, which symbolizes fire and passion also governs this partnership.

Two of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Three of Cups Tarot Card

When you draw the Three of Cups, you will see three women lifting their cups up in the air in a celebration of some sort. Good times are in the air, for the three ladies have wreaths made of flowers in their hair. Wreaths are often associated with success and victory, so their happiness is well deserved. The ladies are also seen standing on top of a field of flowers and fruit, further adding to the joyful feelings in this card. There are feelings of beauty, growth, compassion and happiness that the women share between each other.
An interesting note though, in the Rider-Waite the woman in the middle is turned away from the reader and her face hidden from view. However, the two other maidens are seen smiling.
Three of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Four of Cups Tarot Card

The Four of Cups displays a young man sitting under a tree on a mountaintop, far from others. He seems to be in contemplation and meditation. In front of him are three cups laying on the grass while another cup is being offered to him by a hand in the air. The man has crossed his hand and legs, and he is looking down at the three cups, unimpressed, such that he cannot see the cup being presented to him by the stretched arm.
The Four of Cups represents our tendency to take for granted the things that we have, making it hard for us to see what treasures the universe presents us with. We tend to have the answers to our troubles right around us, but we tend to focus too much on what we do not have.
Four of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Five of Cups Tarot Card

There are certain Tarot cards whose imagery immediately conjure up negative emotions, and the Five of Cups carries such weight. This is a card which signifies loss as well as the painful challenges which stem from that particular loss.

The card depicts a figure that is wearing a black cloak. The person hides his face in what seems to be despair. There are five cups on the ground, three of which have fallen while the other two remain standing. The person, however, seem to notice that there are two standing cups as is too busy mourning over those which are fallen. There is a powerful river which flows between him and a house or a castle in the distance, indicating that a torrent of emotions have separated him from home.

Five of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Six of Cups Tarot Card

The Six of Cups symbolize the joy of nostalgia, the comfort of home and childhood innocence. In the card itself, there are six cups filled with white flowers. Two children are depicted in the foreground, and one is passing a cup to another. This handing of the flowers from the boy to the girl shows the passing of traditions and happy reunions. The children seem to be in a castle of sorts, that we can imagine give them a sense of security and comfort.

Six of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Seven of Cups Tarot Card

The Seven of Cups symbolizes imagination, choice, wishful thinking, illusion and fantasy. The card shows person with their back turned towards us, contemplating 7 images that are creeping out of the cups, all of which are floating in the clouds. Clouds are a representation of dreams, illusions, thoughts and imagination. There are numerous fantasies that are appearing from the cups, which are representative of the many visions that one sees while dreaming. The Seven of Cups may imply that you have a number of options to choose from.

Seven of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Eight of Cups Tarot Card

In the Eight of Cups, we are confronted with the moment of transition. We see a cloaked figure taking off to a barren land leaving behind eight golden cups. He is tired of what those cups that he has spent so much time collecting, and is now setting out to seeking a higher purpose. It may be a result of a boredom or unhappiness that comes with realizing that whatever they have been looking for in life isn’t as pleasurable or as satisfying as they once assumed it would be.

The person undertaking this journey might also signify be seeking excitement in the unknown. The mountainous barren lands that he sets off to can also be symbols of facing new challenges. Their stark emptiness seem to indicate that they are waiting for one to come and shape the. The journey that is taken can be done in the guise of trying out new things that have the potential to help one grow both mentally as well as spiritually. 

It also shows the willingness to detach oneself from others so that one can work on self-improvement, self-understanding and growth.
Eight of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Nine of Cups Tarot Card

In this card, a middle-aged man is sitting on a wooden bench while his arms are crossed, and his face are showing quite a level of contentment. He is dressed elegantly and has the look of the true satisfaction. The head-dress on his head is red, and is a depiction of his active mind. At his background, you will notice there are nine golden cups, structured and arranged in an orderly manner. The Nine of Cups symbolizes a representation of fulfillment and success, both spiritually and materially. The man shows that expression of success after achieving his innermost desire.

Nine of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Ten of Cups Tarot Card

On the Ten of Cups, there is a couple holding each other while facing a beautiful house and a green garden. Beside them, there are two children playing joyously. The couple is seen holding each other in a loving and romantic embrace, while the children are freely playing. The couple seems to be in a stable relationship, while also blessed with the abundance of a comfortable home and beautiful children. The green land signifies fertility, and the river shows how freely the feelings of the couple are flowing, meaning that their relationship is quite peaceful. Above in the sky, there are ten cups, shaped in an arc, which are meant to symbolize blessings from heaven. The rainbow behind them shows the end of hard times and sorrows, and a new happy life where each and every one of the family will enjoy. The Ten of Cups card depicts ‘having it all’.

Ten of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Page of Cups Tarot Card

The Page of Cups represents the unexpected inspiration that comes to us from the unconscious, perhaps in ways that we may not truly understand. In this card, a youth at the seashore wears a blue tunic adorned with floral prints, and holds a golden cup. She also wears a beret that looks quite bohemian, and a long flowing scarf. She is surprised by a fish that pops out of the cup, as if to greet her from a fairytale. She can neither drink nor toast with the cup as the fish stares at her and seemingly tries to engage with her.

Page of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Knight of Cups Tarot Card

The Knight of Cups is a card which depicts a young knight who is gloriously riding a white horse while at the same time holding a cup as if he is a messenger of a certain sort. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, this particular one isn’t charging along with his horse. He is instead moving slowly forward which provides the entire setting an overall impression of peace and calmness. The horse is known to represent one's drive, energy, and power. The horse's color is white, which is a well-known symbol of spirituality, light, and purity. 
Knight of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups rules the emotional realm. She is the woman whose throne is right on the ocean’s edge, and water is typically symbolic of the unconscious and feeling. Her position at the shore indicates that she lies between land and sea, the place where feeling and thought exist. She holds a cup that has handles shaped like an angel. This cup is closed, which is why the Queen of Cups symbolizes the thoughts that come with our unconscious mind. The queen sits alone, which allows her to think. The calmness of the water and the sky symbolizes the serene mind of the queen. Her feet are not touching the water, which stands for her looking at her thoughts and feelings from the outside.

Queen of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

King of Cups Tarot Card

The King of Cups is a card in the tarot that shows generosity, control, and emotional balance. The card itself depicts a king seated on a throne, who has an amulet that is shaped like a fish. The fish in his necklace represents his creativity and spirit, which thrives on the calm waters that surround him. We can see from the background that there is a steady balance between the conscious and unconscious.

Behind the king, there is a fish jumping out of the ocean on the right side, and a ship on the left side, representative of the emotional and material worlds respectively. The King of Cups shows that you do not suppress your impulses, but have learned to deal with them in a balanced manner.
King of Cups Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

The Knight of Wands is seen on his horse that is reared up and ready for action. Judging from the knight’s clothes and armor, as well as his horse, he is prepared for what’s ahead. He is wearing a yellow patterned shirt on top of his metal armor. He is also wearing an armor helmet with red plume sticking out of it. He seems to be ready for battle, except he is holding a large wand instead of a sword. His horse is orange in color and has a mane that looks like flames. When you look at the Knight of Wands' face, you’ll see the determination of wanting to be successful in his endeavor. Fire is a dominate factor in the Knight of Wands' symbolism. The decorative tassels hanging from his arms and back, as well as the horse’s mane, are all in the color of flame. He is also wearing a yellow shirt printed with the fiery salamander symbol.

Knight of Wands Meaning - The Rider Waite Original Tarot Card

King of Wands Tarot Card

The King of Wands depicts a man who has in his hands a blossoming wand, which is set to represent creativity and life's passion. His throne, as well as his cape, are decorated with the salamander and the lion, which are symbols of fire and strength. The salamander that is biting his tail represents the infinity as well as the overall drive to move through all obstacles. The robe is bright and orange resembling a flame, while the crown is shaped like a tongue of fire. Let’s go ahead and take a deeper look at the symbolism behind the King of Wands.

King of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Queen of Wands Tarot Card

The image depicted in the Queen of Wand shows a queen sitting proudly on a throne while facing forwards which is a clear symbol of strength and fire. She is holding a sunflower in her left hand, and the image of the sunflowers are also carved on the throne - meaning happiness, satisfaction, and fertility. In her right hand, she is holding her wand which is starting to blossom, and symbolizes life. In her positive aspects, the Queen of Wands can be associated with fidelity, sustenance, and warmth. Her hidden side is hinted at with the placement of the black cat at her feet, which is traditionally a symbol of witchcraft and occultism, but can also point at her ability to grasp with her deep intuition.

Queen of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Page of Wands Tarot Card

A well-dressed young man is boldly holding a stick standing on a barren land. His shirt is made in a salamander like pattern which is a symbol of transformation from bad to good. This young man is a passionate advocator, who is constantly spreading spiritual and social advancement ideas that lift up his fellow man. The desert in the background behind him both is indicative of his element, fire, and also represents that he is living in a world that has not bared fruit yet. His ideas are therefore completely hypothetical. However, if he were to choose to use them, and undertake the journey of his suit, his purity of heart could lead him to find better fortunes.

Page of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

The Two of Wands Tarot Card

The Two of Wands card features a man standing on top of what looks like a castle and in his right hand he holds a miniature globe. From the way he is standing, the man is looking down upon the vast terrain, in which an ocean lies on the left-hand side, whilst the land stretches over on the right-hand side. The man is wearing an orange tunic and a red hat, symbolizing his enthusiasm towards life itself and hunger for adventure respectively. The miniature globe in his hand represents potential for possible expansion of his reach to broader life experiences.
Two of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

The Three of Wands Tarot Card

The Three of Wands depicts a man who is standing on the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean and the mountains. From the cliff edge, he sees everything that is ahead of him. The Wands are planted into the ground and surround the man as he grasps one in his hand. He seems to look forward and reflect on both the commitment that he has for his plans, as well as the method of execution in order to bring them to reality.

Three of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

The Five of Wands Tarot Card

The Five of Wands depicts five men all holding their own wands and brandishing them up in the air. Like with most fives in the tarot, it is about some kind of disagreement that is facing the querent. This disagreement can either be taken to be as a sign of conflict between the men, or that all of them are simply enjoying the adrenaline rush of this conflict, and that the competition amongst them is of a good natured rivalry, not anger. The relaxed way in which they seem to be holding their wands gives a sense that this argument may be one of show rather than a fierce one.
Five of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

The Six of Wands Tarot

The Six of Wands tarot card depicts a man who is currently wearing a wreath of victory around his head. He is depicted riding a horse through a crowd of people who are cheering. The horse is white, which is a well-known symbol of strength, purity as well as success. The crowd is there to show the public’s recognition for the achievements of the man riding the horse. The wand that the man is carrying also has a wreath which is tied to it in an attempt to further emphasize his success. The man is not afraid, or shy about all of this attention but rather proud with his accomplishments. To this, the crowd around him reacts with cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
Six of Wands Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction