Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What is Tarot?

A Tarot Deck contains 78 cards and is mostly used for fortune telling, meditation and practice of magical rites. It is also very effective agent in psychotherapy and a help and advisor in psychological matters in general. So far the real origin of the Tarot is not known.. The majority of Tarot experts admit that the most probably Tarot cards were first used in Europe and the western hemisphere by gipsies.

Another theory claims that Tarot Cards were created by Jewish Kabbalah experts around 1200 in Fez, Morocco.

The TAROT deck consists of 22 Major Arcana or Keys numbered from 0 to XXI, plus the 56 Minor Arcana. Numerous Authors relate the Major Arcana to the 22 letters of Hebrew Alphabet. The Minor Arcana are subdivided into 4 suits of 14 cards. Each suit consists of cards ace (1) through 10, Plus Page, Knight, Queen and King.

There are several theories concerning the positioning of the card 0 - The Fool among the Major Arcana. We therefore leave it up to the user to make his personal choice. Each individual reacts differently to them. No one will however forget the first time he was faced with them. Tarot cards can unveil your problems in the subconscious. As the American expert Eden Gray says, "The Magic is in the cards..." Whatever you achieve with them, it is your image in the mirror of self-accomplisment.